• California Marriage License: There is no blood test required. We can provide a California Marriage License in most packages. However, if you would like to purchase your own Marriage License you will need to get your Marriage License first, either at your local California County Clerks Office, or at the El Dorado County Clerks Office here in South Lake Tahoe. Their hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. You will need to be there by 4:30 pm. Both the bride and the groom will need to be present and require photo ID. If you have been divorced within the last 90 days, a copy of the divorce certificate will be required. The cost is $53. Click here for California Marriage License information.

    If the location you choose is in Nevada, you will need a Douglas County, Nevada Marriage License. No blood test is required, and no waiting period. The fee is $55 and does not include a certified copy of the marriage certificate, which is an additional $10. Both the bride and groom need to be present and require photo ID. Their hours are Monday through Thursday 9 am - 8 pm, Friday and Saturday 9 am to 9 pm, and Sunday and holidays 9 am to 5 pm.